When you create an account on your WhatsApp, you get a six-digit code. But many times, you don’t get this code. So, in this article we will talk what do you do if WhatsApp Verification code is not received.
If you don’t get this code, you will never be able to create your own WhatsApp account, so it is very important to get this code. So here I will tell you how to get WhatsApp Verification Cord.
How to Get WhatsApp Verification Code
1:First you have to install the WhatsApp application.
2:You will be asked for your number when you install and open it.
3:You have to dial your number where you want to create a WhatsApp account.
4:You will then receive a six-digit code. If you do not find what you are looking for then just ask.
5:You will have one minute in front of you then you will have another option show.
6:In it you will find a message option. And will get a call option. If you do not receive the message, you need to know your code by call. You have to select the call option.
7:A time will start running in front of you again. During this time, you will receive a call. It will tell you your code.
8:This gives you a very good chance that the problem will be solved. But what if you still don’t get the WhatsApp verification code?
How to Fix WhatsApp Verification code is not received.
Restart Your Phone
Many times, when you install your application your mobile does not work properly. So, when you don’t receive the WhatsApp verification code, you have to restart your mobile once. And then you have to open the WhatsApp application and get the verification code on your number. Your code will come. If the code still does not come then you have to follow the next step.
Fix Internet Connection

Wi-Fi or mobile data signals are then shown on our mobiles. But the net would not be running. That’s why you don’t get the WhatsApp verification code. So, you have to check your net to see if it is working or not. So, it is better to restart your net device once.
Reinstall Your App
Once you have deleted the application, you can download it from the Google Play Store again. This will give you a verification code. If that doesn’t work and you don’t want to delete your app, you can go to the next step.
Whats App Cache Clear
When you do not find the verification code on the Whats App, it may be linked to the app’s cache. You will need to remove the Whats App cache.
I hope you have learned what do you do if Whats App Verification code not received. Be sure to share it with your friends.