Google adsense latest updated: A big update from Google AdSense is coming out. If you guys work on Google AdSense, we’ll talk today Western Union will no longer be Available for AdSense Publishers.
If you also work on YouTube or you work on a website then this news can be great news for you. This can be great news for you because no matter how much money you make. They come to you through Google AdSense.
There are plenty of ways to get paid in Google AdSense but the most common way was that everyone did standby. That was the West Union Payment Method. A big one from Google came in front of your nickel. In it, Google said that all the people who were receiving money from the third in Western Union payments will no longer be paid.
If they want to take money than they have to resort to Google AdSense and you will not get any money from Western Union Method. Now Google can’t stop this method all at once. He said that you have time till the end of 2020. You can choose another method from there.
Western Union will no longer be Available for AdSense Publishers?
Now you have this method but what can you do? If you are also a youtuber or a blogger you have to create your own bank account. You have so much time that you can easily create a bank account. Then you have to set up your bank account with your AdSense.
And any money you receive after one month will be transferred to your bank account. This unexpected update from Google AdSense does not explain why we are eliminating this Western Union payment method.
Final Word
All the bloggers on YouTube have time till the end of 2000. Let them change their payment method. If they are already asking for money in a bank account then there is no problem for them. This is only for those who are soliciting money from Thar in Western Union Payments.