How can you upgrade your old computer completely?

Sooner or later, but this moment comes – the moment of updating your old computer. Nothing can remain modern for a long time, especially when it comes to the computer sphere, where the degree of development is striding at an incredible pace. And if you bought a not very powerful PC a few years ago, then today it is definitely time to update its parts. In this article, we will tell you how to do it correctly.

To repair or upgrade an old computer, please get in touch with Computer Repair Regina.

Updating a computer can be divided into two stages, at the first stage we will update the external components, and at the second – the internal ones. Both those and other quite important components of the PC, however, determine the importance of this or that replacement yourself.

How can you upgrade your old computer?

External computer upgrade

If you are primarily interested in the visual update of your computer, then you need to update:

Windows – without updating the operating system, you will not feel all the updates. We recommend installing Windows 8 , as it is made by all modern standards.

Monitor – The monitor is the first thing we pay attention to while sitting at the computer, and the bigger and more beautiful it is, the more positive emotions you will get from updating your PC. We recommend that you read the article: ” How to choose a monitor for your computer .” We think that there will be no questions about connecting the monitor.

Keyboard and mouse – what is the external upgrade of a computer without replacing the mouse or keyboard ?! Be sure to choose new manipulators for yourself!

System unit box – even if you do not have the money (or desire) to update all computer components (for example, and you are enough with these), then just update the system unit box to a modern one. In this case, everyone around you will think that you have completely updated your PC! If you do not have the skills to assemble a computer, entrust this business to professionals, such as at

Acoustics – the final touch in creating a new image of a computer will be a new sound and a new type of speakers for a computer, so that you not only see the updated computer, but also hear it. By the way, the speakers can simply be replaced with new and good headphones for the computer .

Also check: How Do You Create a Text Document in Windows 7

Internal computer update

If you are satisfied with the appearance of the PC, and are more interested in the speed of its operation, then you need to update the following details:

Processor- The processor is the main part of the entire computer, since the speed of the entire system depends on the power of this device. Remember that you need to choose a processor for your computer correctly (as we wrote about earlier).

Motherboard – it needs to be changed for several reasons: firstly, each of the processors is suitable only for certain models of “motherboard”. Secondly, you may not have enough slots on the motherboard for additional RAM or a second video card. About how to choose a motherboard we wrote earlier. We do not recommend installing it yourself, it is better to ask for help.

Random access memory (RAM) – it should also be updated, but if there is not enough money, then it is better to choose a more powerful processor than a lot of RAM, because memory can always be added independently and without even calling the wizard.

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