How To Reset Discord Server | Reset Discord Voice Server ( 5 Steps )
When we create a discorded server, we have to do some setting and we can do it, but if some setting goes wrong with us, then we want to reset them. I will explain this in the article How to reset discord server.
Discord Server is a great app for the gaming community. All gamer like to use it. Because the game doesn’t sound as clear as it used to, they talk on the Discord server while playing the game to improve their game.
This application is still used mostly in Europe country but it is also being discussed in Asia country very soon it will make its place in the hearts of people and everyone will use it like Facebook or Whats App. Will start to do.
Can you reset discord server?
Discord Server has so many settings that you can’t reset them with a single click. You may have noticed that when you create a discord server, you set up the language separately. You set up a separate manual for whatever language you have. At the same time, you write the rules yourself.
Discord Server has a voice server setting that you can manually select by going to a separate option. But when you should reset your Discord server. So it will not happen in a single click. You will have to go to different options and reset them separately. As I have mentioned in the article below, you can follow them and reset your discorded server. One click will not reset the discord server.
How to reset discord Voice server
If your voice server is experiencing a problem, you can reset it by going to your voice server settings. Follow the steps below.
1: Open your Discord Server app and log in with your username and password.
2: Then at the bottom of the discord you will see the gear button and click there.

3: Scroll down a bit and you will find the Voice and Video Settings option. Click on it.

4: Here you will go to many settings. If you want to set some manual you can do it from here. But if you want to reset the discord then you will get the reset option by scrolling a little.
5: Click on Reset Voice Settings.
6: It will then ask you for some permissions, so you have to read it. If you think it is right, you have to click on it. Your voice setting will be reset.

How can I reset all my settings on Discord Server?
As I have reset the voice setting above, you will have to reset it separately. In some cases you will not find the reset option. You have to set the manual there. You cannot reset Discord together with one click. Many people wonder why we can’t reset it. When phones have only one option, clicking on it will reset your entire phone, but why not?
Discord has not given an official answer to this question but let us tell you from our experience that every app that comes in the market wants to do something different, Discord has brought here many options that you can set manually.
Most options are given to set the manual while other apps do not give the user so many settings. Maybe because of the manual setting, you don’t have the option to reset it together so that resetting something you don’t want to change somewhere won’t change that setting either.
How To Server Reset on Discord
Inside Discord adds some privacy when you create your server. You can’t reset these settings either, you’ll have to set them manually. If you want to set it, you can set them by following the steps below.
- Discord app open and sign in your account.
- Now you have to open the server whose setting you want to change.

- If you click on whatever channel you have created, you will get a gear button. You have to click on it.

- Once the setting is open, you will find five options, Overview, permission, invites, Webhooks and Delete a Channel.

- If you open Overview, you will get the option of your channel name reset. There you can change the name of your channel and you can also change the topic of your channel.

- On the second number you will find the permission option. If you click on it, you can set the number of members you want to give permission from here.

How to reset discord server? The answer is given in the article above. If we talk about discord server rest, you can’t do it. You will have to go to separate options and set the manual.
I hope you have this question clear. hope you share this article on social media. Thanks For Reading.
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