You guys can create an easypaisa account on Telenor. But you don’t need it So today I will tell you how to close easypaisa account?
Easypaisa Account works just like a bank but you can transfer money to each other if you want to close it. So, you do a Google search How can I delete my easypaisa account? There you will find videos and articles telling you that you have to go to the Telenor franchise.
But if we are online, how can you close your easypaisa account? You get quite a few ways. Which I will tell you in this article How to Deactivate Easypaisa Mobile Account? Here are two things you can do. One is to create an easypaisa account on a Telenor SIM and this is a Telenor product, but if your easypaisa account is on another SIM, close it. There is a different way. So, let’s get started How to Deactivate Easypaisa Mobile Account?
How to close easypaisa account on Telenor Sim online?
You have to call this number (3737) from the same SIM on which your account is created. And next you have to talk to their representative.
If you tell them you want to close your account, they will ask for your ID card number. So you have to answer your name, ID number and also whatever you are asked.
After that you will be given 24 hours’ time after which your account will be closed automatically.
If You have Easypaisa Account on Other Sim
If you have an Easypaisa account on another SIM, you can also create an Easypaisa account on Jazz or Zong Sim.
So, you have to call this number (042111003737) and tell them that you want to close your account. They will also ask you some questions which you have to answer correctly and close your account after 24 hours.
Important Note
Before closing your account, you have to transfer all the money in it to another account first. Either get them out. Your account will not be closed if you have money in your account.
Final Words
You can also close your account at home if you do not know how to read above and if you want to close the franchise. So, your account will be closed there too. I hope you have learned from this article how to close easypaisa account.